Mature Gay

MAGS Organisations

MAGS organisations recommend mature age gay members of society to keep fit and active. Without social inclusion, it would be easy to fall down the path of depression, loneliness and self-pity. There is never a need to feel lonely, discouraged or afraid with so many support groups and agencies available at our door steps.  You will find there is always access to free information for mature gays growing older to groups that regularly meet up to do pre-planned activities. Regardless of what social activity brightens your day, there is always a social group one call away awaiting your arrival to their group.

We support gay intergenerational relationships.

Some Social Inclusion Groups in Australia 

PFLAG- Parents, Families, Friends of Lesbians and Gays

Pflags MAGS organisations

Phone: (02) 9869 1454

PFLAG stands for Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays. They are a non-profit voluntary organisation whose members have a common goal of keeping families together. PFLAG is here to give help, support and information to families, friends of all gay people of any age. They regularly contribute back to the community and put on gay friendly events during the year.


Point Of Difference

MAGS organisations Point Of Difference

Phone: 1300 990 390

Points Of Difference Events provides hosted entertainment, events and travel solutions to the Gay & Lesbian community, and their friends. They host great quality group cruises, ski trips, extravigant nights out in Sydney, Theatre groups, cocktail parties, dinners, and more events filled with really nice gay men and women enjoying the events.


Freedom 2 B[e]

Freedom 2 B[e] organisations

Linda- 0430045585

Freedom 2 B[e] is a non judgmental, safe place to assist LGBTQI+ community members with Christian backgrounds on their journey to reconciling their faith, sexuality and gender identity in a church based setting. Traditionally Christian groups have been ill-informed about sexual orientation and maintained outdated beliefs about homosexuality. Freedom 2 B[e] squashes these myths and welcomes back LGBTQI community members who left their places of worship because of their sexual identity.


Gay Dads NSW

Gay Dads NSW organisations

The Gay Dads NSW group provides information, support and social activities for gay dads and those contemplating fatherhood. This group provides many links and further information about being a gay parent and has messaging services to reach out to other gay dads.


Acon organisations

Tel: (02) 9206 2000

Acon is a New South Wales based health promotion organisation specializing in HIV prevention, HIV support and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and inter sex (LGBTI) health. ACON’s services cover the following.

  • Sexual Health.
  • Mental Health.
  • Alcohol & Drugs.
  • Safety & Inclusion.
  • Ageing.
  • Training & Consulting.
  • Policy & Research.

ACON hosts The LOVE Project- Empowering lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people to lead health active and more social lives. The LOVE project is part of an ACON initiative about creating better conversations and improved social engagement with our older LGBTI community members.

Love Living Older organisationsThe LOVE Project, ACON’s ageing initiative, aims to empower lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) seniors to lead healthy, active and more social lives. Understanding your needs and preferences helps us to deliver better community programs.

LGBTI Ageing resources Australia and International


Seniors Enquiry Line

organisations: Seniors Enquiry Line

Seniors Enquiry Line is an ideal way for an older person’s family members, friends and carers to find out information on topics that may affect the person they know.

Infomation about LGBTI aging and studies.


Intersex Human Rights Australia

Intersex Human Rights Australia organisations

Intersex Human Rights Australia is a national not-for-profit company by and for people born with variations of sex characteristics.


Harbour City Bears

Harbour City Bears Sydney Australia organisations

Phone: (02) 8572 9913

Harbour City Bears is an inclusive not-for-profit community group for hairy gay men, their admirers and friends.

Based in Sydney, Australia, and founded in 1995, we run events with everyone welcome regardless of sex, sexuality, age or hirsuteness, in line with the club’s ideals – about having fun and participating in the community.


Team Sydney Sports

Team Sydney Sports organisations

Team Sydney Incorporated is a not-for-profit community body staffed by volunteers. They promote sport, fitness and healthy lifestyles among Sydney’s LGBTI community. We help connect and promote over thirty member organisations, representing over 2,000 individual sportspeople. Sporting groups range from beginner to very experienced.


Staying Negative

Staying Negative is where everyday gay and bisexual guys, including trans guys, both HIV-negative and HIV-positive, share their personal stories.


Twenty 10 GLCS

organisations Twenty 10 GLCS

LGBTIQA+ Social support, counselling, housing, mental health in Sydney.




organisations: Doc List

DocLIST is a online list of doctors and mental health professionals who have been recommended by lesbian and bisexual women in Australia.


The Gender Centre Org

organisations: The Gender Centre INC

A volunteer-based organisation providing short-term counselling, information and support services to facilitate healthy, well-adjusted lives within the lesbian, gay and related communities.


Country Network

organisations: Country Network

Country Network provides social networking opportunities to gay and bisexual men regardless of where they may reside.


Rainbow Health Victoria

organisations: Rainbow Health Victoria

Rainbow Health Victoria is a program that supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) health and wellbeing.



GLHV, formerly known as Gay and Lesbian Health Victoria, is a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgenderand intersex (LGBTIQ) health and wellbeing policy and resource unit.


The Victorian Pride Centre

organisations: The Victorian Pride Centre

Victorian Pride Centre houses major and important LGBTIQ+ resident organisations. It provides flexible and multi-use spaces for hire, including, meeting rooms, rooftop terrace, co-working spaces, a theatrette and gallery.


The Closet Threshold

The Closet Threshold

The Closet “Threshold” is the area of discovery and experimentation for men who are not sure about their true sexual orientation.


MAGS Organisations

We support gay intergenerational relationships.

  1. LGBTIQ+ Community Centers. Local community centers often offer a variety of support groups, workshops, and events that cover different aspects of the LGBTIQI+ experience.  This includes intergenerational relationships.
  2. Silver Rainbow. While not exclusively about intergenerational relationships, Silver Rainbow is a national project in Australia that focuses on the needs of LGBTIQI+ seniors. It provides resources related to different aspects of relationships in older age.
  3. Online Communities and Forums. Online platforms like social media groups or forums dedicated to LGBTQI+ issues have discussions or support threads about intergenerational relationships.
  4. Therapists and Counselors. LGBTQI+-friendly therapists and counselors could offer guidance and support to individuals or couples navigating intergenerational relationships.
  5. Research Institutes and Universities. Some academic institutions or research centers might conduct studies.  Others offer resources on various aspects of LGBTQI+ relationships, including intergenerational dynamics.